Friday, April 6, 2012

Newer Works

Dance in the Rose Garden - 2012 - 8x10"

Jamaica - 2012 - 8x10"

Lynn's Rose Garden - 2012 - 8x10"

Melancholy - 2012 - 8x10"

Return to Brigadine - 2012 - 8x10"

Blue Velvet - 2012 - 8x10"

Queenie's Dance

Lilliputian Dream - 2012 - 8x10"

Retreat at Gettysburg - 2012 - 8x10"

Ode to the Old Country - 2012 - 8x10"

Mama's Wallpaper - 2012 - 8x10"

Seagulls of Jersey Shore - 2012 - 8x10"


  1. This is our Mother and Daughter
    Art Show so please join us...
    North East Community Center
    51 south center
    Millerton, N.Y.
    Sat. 8/17/13

  2. My newest work is at THE MEXICAN KITCHEN
    in New Pultz n.y,
    See ya' there,
